Preparing for Success
Mike Hill • July 26, 2023

Getting Proactive About the School Year

A long, hot, yet rejuvenating summer is gradually winding down. As our children grow increasingly bored, day camps come to a close, and teenagers tear through cupboards like gremlins, it can only mean one thing--a new school year is just around the corner.

As much as we love the freedom and relaxation of the summer months, at UPA we are busy preparing for what looks to be a promising new school year. Concurrently, we also understand the mixture of excitement and anxiety a new year can bring for students and their parents. We want to help relieve some of that tension, so our focus can remain on the positive opportunities that lie ahead in the coming year. Below are four things you can do to help proactively prepare for success in the coming school year.

  1. Attend our parent orientation. Our annual parent orientation is just that, an opportunity to get parents oriented, organized, and prepared for the new school year. During parent orientation you will have the opportunity to receive school updates, register for transportation or aftercare, gain insights on what to expect the first few days of school, learn key school procedures/processes, and receive relevant information about our school-wide expectations. Parent Orientation for UPA parents will be held virtually on Tuesday, August 1st @ 6:30pm. A Zoom link will be sent to student household contacts.

  2. Visit us on meet the teacher night. Meet the Teacher Night is a chance to learn specific information about the classes your child will be taking. Your child's teacher will provide you with details regarding classroom procedures, teacher expectations, academic goals, what specific supplies will be needed, and much, much more. UPA Meet the Teacher Night will be held on or campus Tuesday, August 8th @ 6:30pm.

  3. Shop for uniforms and school supplies. If your child is enrolled at UPA you don't have to wait to purchase their much needed school supplies. Your child's teacher has already created a list of items that will be needed for their classes. UPA uses TeacherList to provide this information for you to view and shop from the comfort of your home. Just visit to find the UPA School Supply List. You can also go ahead and purchase your student's uniform at Harris School Uniforms located at 4152 W Blue Henron Blvd Suite 118, Riviera Beach, FL 33404. UPA uniforms are in full stock and ready for your to purchase. Students will need to purchase both tops and bottoms from Harris School Uniforms. With the Florida Sales Tax Holidays you can save even more money by shopping between July 24th - August 6th.

  4. Be proactive. Look ahead and plan out the first few weeks of school. Be prepared for sleepy heads on the first morning back by encouraging your student to get to bed early the days leading up to the first day of school. We also know stores can get hectic around back to school time, so start making your purchases now. Purchasing earlier also helps if you are buying supplies and uniforms on a budget by spreading the cost out over time rather than all at once. Making a plan and proactively managing the stress will help keep the focus on the joy of returning to school for another year of learning.

At UPA our goal is to partner with you in educating your child. We have so much planned in this coming year and cannot wait to join you and your family on this new year. Together we can make it a success.

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