Stakeholders who wish to submit agenda items and make public comments are invited to submit these items/topics to George Groezinger, interim board chair, at two weeks in advanced of scheduled meetings.
Positive relations between the School and its parents and families are a primary concern. For that reason, every effort will be made to handle disputes in the most positive way possible. The following steps have been outlined in order to facilitate resolution of such issues:
Make an appointment to clarify issue with your student’s teacher.
Make appointment to clarify issue with the school administrator.
Discuss concerns with Parent Involvement Representative – Bonnie May (
If the person named is not able to assist with dispute resolution or you have already discussed your concerns with them, please contact Academica.
Phone - 305-669-2906
Email -
State concerns at a scheduled Governing Board meeting. All complaints should be provided to the Board in writing (assistance available upon request) via Kelly Mallon / Board Liaison (contact information below) at least 3 days prior to a regular scheduled meeting.
Kelly Mallon - Board Liaison
Meeting Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year
All meetings will begin at 11am EST, unless otherwise noted.
August 12th
October 16th
December 10th
March 11th
May 20th (Annual Meeting)
*Denotes Special Meeting
** In an effort to allow greater public participation and to best accommodate stakeholders, these meetings shall be held via communications media technology (virtually) with a physical access site at the school. For information on how to attend virtually, please contact at least 24 hours prior to the meeting start time.
Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda:
Note: Vendor / Business Inquires are best requested to
UPA will comply with chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, relating to public records, and s. 286.011, relating to public meetings and records, public inspection, and penalties the Florida Statutes relating to public records and public meetings.